Death Contingent Messages (DCM)
How do I trust my DCMs will be sent?
Discorporation Express, LLC will provide a member with specific information (Membership # and Private Key) that will enable a representative to notify us of your departure and activate the messages. The emergency contact designated by you will be informed that your notifications have been triggered, but will not be privy to the specific messages or their recipients.
What if I lose my membership card?
Discorporation Express, LLC has an annual check in process based on the information you provide (email and phone number) so that we confirm you are still with us. If you do not respond to the 1 year confirmation, a weekly confirmation will begin. If you do not respond within 1 month, a daily confirmation will begin. If there is no confirmation, we will attempt to reach your designated emergency contact if supplied. If no response, we will assume you have passed on and trigger your DCMs as configured by you.
How does this differ from a will and probate?
When you use Discorporation Express, you are buying a gift for someone and it’s delivery is held and released for delivery upon your death. It is final transaction between entities at the time of purchase, as such it is not an asset subject to probate.
Will my transactions be private compared to the publicly available transfers of probate?
Yes, all orders you place with us are held in private. The activation that releases the letters and gifts you paid for are known only to the individual recipient.
What if the message and gift is undeliverable?
If message and monetary gift is returned as non-deliverable, as in the case of a bad address or recipient has also passed over, then the gift will be given to a charity that supports foster care for children of deceased parents such as A Child's Hope International, Inc. as well as Alliance of Hope for Suicide Loss Survivors.
End of Life Doula
How may an End of Life Doula help?
Allowing the dying person and those close to them to speak openly and frankly about dying
Offering the dying person an opportunity to explore the meaning of their life and their impact on others
Bringing a focused and intuitive presence to the bedside that encourages a deeper engagement for all involved
Preparing for the last days by creating a plan for how the dying space looks and feels; the music or sounds; readings and rituals, and so much more
Offering and modeling how to touch the dying person
Assisting with physical and practical care to ease the burden on caregivers
Explaining the signs and symptoms of the dying process as they occur
Processing the emotions and experiences with family after the person has died and guiding them in their early grief
Are Doulas employees of the company?
No. Discorporation Express does not directly employ any End of Life Doulas, but maintains a close alliance with respectable agencies and specific Doulas to help people with their process. The company garnishes no benefit from this process but sees assisting others as in alignment with its mission.
Medium Messaging
What are mediums, compared to psychics?
Although many people report having had contact with the deceased, mediums are people who report having these experiences regularly, reliably, and on-demand and who share the specific resulting messages with living people called sitters during an event called a reading. Psychics, on the other hand, convey information about people, events, places, or times unknown to them but not about the deceased. It is often said that all mediums are psychic but not all psychics are mediums.
What is the accuracy of mediumship?
Readings performed by 20 research mediums over the phone under controlled, more than double-blind, laboratory conditions that address alternative explanations for the source of the mediums’ statements such as fraud (hot and cold reading), cueing, overly general information, and even precognition, demonstrate the phenomenon of Anomalous Information Reception (AIR), that is, the reporting of accurate and specific information about deceased people or animals to the living people who survive them (called sitters) without prior knowledge about the deceased or sitters, in the absence of sensory feedback, and without using deceptive means (Beischel et al., 2015)
How is communication with the dead even possible?
The idea that you die when your brain dies is just a theory (called materialism). An alternative theory is that consciousness is separate from the brain, survives death, and can communicate with the bereaved or a medium.
A relationship clearly exists between the physical brain and the mind/self/consciousness (what makes you you). When the brain is injured or damaged, the mind functions differently. However, this does not prove that the cells and chemicals of the brain make mind. Correlation does not equal causation. Alternatively, mind may be like a signal and the brain like an antenna. Without the antenna, the signal can still exist. Evidence from several fields of research support the reality of this signal/antenna explanation
Does this change the world?
Scientific research on topics like life after death and communication with the deceased faces an on-going struggle against a scientific paradigm bent on denying people’s extraordinary experiences and challenges current ideas about the mind’s relationship to the brain. Laboratory studies demonstrate that certain mediums can report accurate and specific information about the deceased with no feedback during or after the readings and without using fraud or deception . Thus, mediumship and related abilities are real, but this does not go against what is currently known about perception, psychology, basic physiology, biology, geology, astronomy, sociology, fundamental physics, quantum physics, or relativity.
Protection from Fraud
At Discorporation Express, we strive to give our clients the best in class service in all we directly offer or recommend.
Fraudulent mediums
While there are mediums who use deceptive practices to take advantage of clients, the same can be said for most professions. Unfortunately, there will always be people who cut corners to make a buck.
There are several ways a fraudulent medium can fabricate what seems like an accurate reading. The main two are called hot reading and cold reading. With hot reading, the fraud will obtain information about the sitter (the living person receiving the reading) beforehand and feed it back to them during the reading and act like it’s coming from the deceased. The information can be looked up online through social media or using confederates onsite to chat up the sitter.
With cold reading, the fraud asks the sitter questions and uses their responses or uses sensory clues or cues (for example, the name, age, or gender of the sitter, their clothing or accent, tears, gasps, nods, pupil dilation, the sitter smelling of cigarette smoke, etc.) to steer the direction of the reading. A reading containing information so general it could apply to nearly anyone is also a form of cold reading.
Unfortunately, the media often seems to go out of its way to report on and even seek out fraudulent mediums. While these criminals should definitely be prosecuted, they are not the whole story. The media seldom, if ever, reports on the positive experiences people have with mediums. For example:
External article:
What Happened When I, a Sciencey Skeptic, Got a Medium Reading to Help Manage Grief
Sadly, these types of positive stories and any serious, unbiased reporting about the current state and scope of mediumship research are often overlooked by journalists. As a result, this focus on fraudulent “mediums” feeds confirmation bias for skeptics and perpetuates the unsubstantiated myth that all mediums are nothing more than money-hungry frauds.
Our training and certification process for mediums during the hiring process as well as periodic audits of medium messages prevents fraudulent mediums from being part of our service providers.