
Medium Messaging

What is a medium?

Although many people report having had contact with the deceased, mediums are people who report having these experiences regularly, reliably, and on-demand and who share the specific resulting messages with living people called sitters during an event called a reading. Psychics, on the other hand, convey information about people, events, places, or times unknown to them but not about the deceased. It is often said that all mediums are psychic but not all psychics are mediums.

After Death Communication (ADC) can help process grief by recognizing the continuing bonds with those having crossed over.

After Death Communication (ADC) can help process grief by recognizing the continuing bonds with those having crossed over.


The Medium Message

We work with certified mediums and medium training institutions to provide the best possible resources for your ADC needs.

If you have natural mediumship talent and/or would like to develop this for a career at Discorporation Express, please contact us for training.


Death is not the End

Just because the body is no longer used by the spirit does not mean the spirit of the person is no longer available, it just lacks the ‘medium’ to communicate. We help those looking to contact the dearly departed.
Step 1 — Order a medium message
Step 2 — This message will be routed to a certified medium for contact.*
Step 3 — The medium will record an audio session to be provided back to the requestor

Get started Medium Messaging

Medium Message
from $120.00

* Discorporation Express has a pool of mediums to facilitate after death communications. If there is not contact with a medium, up to two more will attempt contact with the deceased. If after three (3) attempts, no contact is made, the requestor will be notified and refunded minus the cost of the attempted contacts.